So some people wonder what stay at home moms do all day. Here is my typical day, raising 2 girls and managing the household duties:
6:00-7:00 Girls wake me up, I get them dressed and start breakfast
7:00-8:00 Breakfast time and clean up, start laundry
8:00-9:30 Get ready, drive to gym, and work out (the work out is only 30 min... it's the getting 2 young girls back and forth to the gym that takes so long!)
9:30-10:00 Morning bedtime routine for Chloe
10:00-10:30 Shower while Brooke watches Veggietales (incidentally, it used to take me an hour to get ready but those days are far over)
10:30-11:00 Brooke is wanting some one-on-one time from mommy!
11:00-12:30 Chloe wakes up; time to change diapers and feed lunch, then clean lunch dishes
12:30-1:30 Spend time with girls (usually play outside, stroller rides, etc)
1:30-2:00 Start afternoon nap time routine, Chloe's down by 2 usually
2:00-2:45 Finish getting Brooke ready for bed; lie down next to Brooke and wait for her to fall asleep
2:45-3:30 Read Bible, laundry, try to pick up the toys that have exploded all over the house
3:30:4:00 Chloe wakes up, usually fussy so she requires some one-on-one
4:00-5:00 Cook dinner (I need to think of more meals that take less than an hour to cook!!!)
5:00-6:00 Matt gets home, we eat, and clean up the mess
6:00-7:15 Family time, water plants outside, run errands, etc
7:15-7:45 Bath time for the girls
7:45-9:30 Bedtime routine. Chloe's in bed at 8, Brooke between 8:30 and 9, but then I have to lie next to her again while she falls asleep
9:30-11:00 Finish cleaning up toy explosion, dishes, folding laundry etc. And hopefully a moment of time for myself before I go to bed.
So if you come over to my house and wonder why it's a mess when I'm home all day... well, there ya go. That schedule leaves no time for cleaning toilets or vacuuming floors. Thank you, God, for a helpful husband! :)