Friday, July 29, 2011

Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep him in perfect peace, him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You."

This is what I keep repeating to myself today. It's been a hard day. Actually it's been a hard week. Life in general is just hard right now. My perfect angel baby has decided to wake up and show her true self. I knew there was no way Matt and I could produce a laid-back off-spring! Okay, she's still a LOT easier than Brooke was. So between the two of them, this is how my week has been. Chloe is fussy in the mornings until she falls asleep at around noon. So I end up spending a lot of that time holding and rocking and nursing her. So Brooke is jealous of all the time I spend with Chloe. So she clings on to my legs and whines and cries. Finally, I'll get Chloe to sleep and lay her down, only to have her wake up and scream (yes, she has a much louder wail than I first thought!) I let her scream awhile so I can spend a few one on one moments with Brooke. Then I pick up Chloe and we start over again. Finally Chloe passes out from exhaustion around noon. Brooke goes to bed around one... but she's been fighting her naps since Chloe came home. It usually takes an hour of fussing and crying for her to pass out. Then I get to run around, pick up the breakfast dishes, shower, fold laundry, etc until Brooke wakes up about an hour and a half later. Chloe is usually passed out the rest of the afternoon. I struggle to wake her up for her feedings. She then goes into a lighter sleep at night time and wakes me up every 2-4 hours to eat. Most of the time she goes back to bed but sometimes I'm up with her an hour or more. So craziness. I'm tired. But I keep repeating to myself that the Proverbs 31 woman has strength and dignity. I WILL keep going; I will not break down (too often!). God is good, and He won't give me more than I can handle. And these early, difficult days will not last forever!

So to end, I want to praise God for the good things that have happened this week. Thank you, God, for all the meals delivered. It saved us a lot of money because I sure would have been sending Matt for take-out! Thank-you for the joy I got watching Brooke put together a puzzle by herself today (it was one of the simple ones with the picture of the puzzle piece underneath the piece, but it still brought me joy to watch how smart she is!). Thank you for "girl time" last night when my neighbor came by to hang out and chat (she has an 8 month old and is pregnant, so we can relate!) Thank you for the sleep I have gotten, and the warm water in the showers that I do get to take, and the cups of sweet tea that make my afternoon just a little better. Thank you for Matt, he's the best husband and father a girl could ask for. And thank you for my 2 beautiful, healthy girls. I love them so much and despite how difficult they are making my life right now, I wouldn't change a thing. You are good, God, and I love you and I trust you to get me through this time.

So, I need to go inform Brooke (who's crying in her crib) that it's nap time now and, no, she's not getting up. For the 4th day in a row. Thanks to all who are praying for me.

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